
Financial Difficulties

Casey Kavanagh & Company’s team of expert financial accountants provide assistance and advice to people and firms with financial difficulties. We assess their current financial position, identify possible solutions, formulate a recovery plan, and help negotiate with financial institutions and Revenue Commissioners.

Accounting & Auditing

Casey Kavanagh & Company’s team of expert accountants and auditors, based in Sligo offer a full range of business services for a wide variety of clients


Casey Kavanagh & Company provide a comprehensive range of taxation services and advice to individuals, small enterprises and limited companies.

Company Secretarial

Casey Kavanagh & Company provide comprehensive Company Secretarial services to small and medium companies.

Business Planning

We prepare business plans and financial projections for Bank loan applications and grant applications to Enterprise Ireland and County Enterprise Boards.

Financial Difficulties

Casey Kavanagh & Company’s team of expert financial advisors provide assistance and advice to people and firms with financial difficulties

Litigation Support

We prepare financial reports for solicitors and barristers to assist them in presenting their cases in a clear and concise manner to the Courts.

Please call the office on 071-9142666 if you would like to make an enquiry.